Major Thomas Carr

Major Thomas Carr
Born in Erie, Pennsylvania, on April 17, 1961, Carr was a 1979 Erie Tech Memorial High School graduate who excelled in the sport of wrestling. He was a State Junior Olympic wrestling champion as well as a State and Nation US Kids Wrestling Federation Champ. He attended Clemson University on a full wrestling scholarship and graduated in 1984 with a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering.
He was a graduate of the Air Force Elite Fighter Weapons School where he was squadron leader, and one of the several hundred members of the elite Top Gun group. Major Carr had over 12 years of Air Force service, eight years of active duty and four years of reserve duty. In his military career, he was stationed in Korea, the Persian Gulf, Italy, Iraq, and Bosnia. He flew several missions around the world, including Operation Northern Watch in Iraq. After leaving active duty, Tom became an Air Force reservist and commercial pilot for American Airlines, stationed in Miami, Florida. Major Carr was the epitome of the citizen airman. He career reflected a distinctly genuine concern for his fellow warriors and he established the standard for all of those who selflessly dedicated their lives in the service of the United States Air Force. Major Carr upheld the finest qualities and the highest traditions of a combat aviator. He received numerous awards for his performance as a pilot. He sacrificed his life in the defense of his nation, and in the name of freedom. Major Carr lost his life on September 12, 1998 during an Air Force attack-training mission when his F-16D jet went down over the Avon Bombing Range in Florida.